Blackpool 619 Launch and First Day of the Season 2023
Join us on 26th March to formally welcome our latest restoration project, Blackpool 619, back into traffic and celebrate the start of our 2023 season!
This day will feature a two car service, with 619 operating alongside a compatriot from her days at the seaside also living out her retirement at Heaton Park, Blackpool 623.
The precise details of the event, for example, photographic runs, will be released soon.
Thanks to our friends at the Fylde Transport Trust, a vintage Blackpool bus will also be joining us for the event – in addition, this vehicle will be operating in service from Blackpool so enthusiasts can ride and travel in style to our event! Please see their Facebook page soon for more information.
The picture below is of 619 on test in wintery conditions in December 2022 – final finishing touches are being made ready for this event, including advert boards and lining out.
Easy Fundraising
You are now able to help support Heaton Park Tramway just by doing your shopping.
Click the link below for more information.
Updates from the workshop – August 2022
Hi All,
Apologies for no recent updates, its been a very busy year for everyone at the tramway.
With several of our younger working members studying up for exams to others who are progressing well with careers.
Here is a quick update on what has been going on in the workshop over the last few months.
First of all, our workshop has undergone a huge clean up and reorganize.
Its astounding the difference that this has made to the workshop staff, apart from now being unable to find anything 🙂
Dave M and Geoff continuing to build the new OPs area.
A lot of work has also been taking place out and about on the tramway.
Here we see our overhead team fixing it back up as well as breaking up the tree that had fallen.
April 3rd saw our first day of service for 2022 and also our 42nd birthday.
Infrastructure Painting
Corporate volunteers play a key role in the tramway by providing large groups of volunteers to help tackle some of the larger jobs.
In June, 619 finally re-entered the workshop to continue the work that started many years ago.
The edges being trimmed to sit flush with the steps.
Throughout June, July and August we have continued to operate weekend services, maintain our fleet and work on an additional tram.
This is not an easy task.
The above just highlights some of the different tasks undertaken at the tramway.
Its not all about “Ding, Ding and away”
There are hundreds of different tasks undertaken at the tramway.
If you would like to get involved with the tramway, be it guarding, driving, helping in our shop, track work, overhead work or anything of your choosing- Please get in touch.
All Models Great & Small 2022
We are happy to announce All Models Great & Small 2022 featuring many model tramways and railways.
Split across 2 sites within Heaton Park Tramway we host a variety of layouts depicting locations from all over the UK.
Our very own “Wooton Trams” will be on display at Lakeside Depot.
A 3 tram service will be in operation from 11:00 until 17:00
Further details will be posted once confirmed.
Heaton Park Tramway Photography Evening
SATURDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2022 AT 17:00
Join us on the 22nd October for some unique photographic opportunities with our vintage tramcars – more details to be announced soon!
Update 20-8-22
It has now been confirmed that Manchester Corporation 4127 will be joining in for the evening curtesy of Museum of Transport, Greater Manchester
Sunday 3rd April 2022 – 40th (+ 2) Birthday Running Day
The first day of service for 2022 and also Heaton Park Tramway’s 42nd birthday.
sun whilst work has been taking place within the depot.
This event was due to take place in April 2020, but due to the pandemic was delayed until now.
We will start the day at 11:00 with 96 and 765 running in parallel from Middleton Road Depot towards the gates, followed by a 3 car service operating throughout the day.
Our museum will be open to visitors for the first time in over 2 years after an extensive refurbishment.
Our shop will be open, and a pop up book stall will be located outside of the main door.
Lakeside depot will also be open to the public for the first time, As well as static tramcars being displayed outside Middleton Road depot and Lakeside depot.
A temporary workshop viewing area will also be open at Middleton Road depot.
Last Weekend of Service 2021
Sunday 31st of October will be the last day of public passenger service for 2021
The last tram will be at 16:30 from Lakeside terminus.
The Manchester Transport Museum Society (Heaton Park Tramway) receives The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service
The Manchester Transport Museum Society (Heaton Park Tramway) receives The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, The Manchester Transport Museum Society, a group of volunteers based in Heaton Park, Manchester have been honored with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. The Manchester Transport Museum Society is one of 241 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year. The number of nominations remains high year on year, showing that the voluntary sector is thriving and full of innovative ideas to make life better for those around them. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognize outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate The Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Recipients are announced each year on 2nd June, the anniversary of The Queen’s Coronation. Award winners this year are wonderfully diverse. They include volunteer groups from across the UK, including an inclusive tennis club in Lincolnshire; a children’s bereavement charity in London; a support group those living with dementia and their carers in North Yorkshire; a volunteer minibus service in Cumbria; a group supporting young people in Belfast; a community radio station in Inverness and a mountain rescue team in Powys .Representatives of The Manchester Transport Museum Society will receive the award crystal and certificate from Sir Warren Smith, Lord-Lieutenant of Greater Manchester later this summer. Furthermore two volunteers from the Society will attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in May 2022 (depending on restrictions at the time), along with other recipients of this year’s Award Philip Heywood, MTMS Chairman, said “The Society is delighted that our contribution to the life of Heaton Park and to the preservation of Manchester’s ongoing tramway heritage has been recognized, and wishes to pay tribute to the hard work and commitment of our volunteers in contributing to the life of our Manchester community. The award is great recognition for a team that although it always works hard, has worked harder than ever over these last 12 months.”